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Related specifications of hollow plates

TONGSAN PP hollow corrugated sheet relevant specifications
The PP hollow corrugated sheet is mainly used in various industries such as electronics, packaging, machinery, light industry, postal, food, medicine, pesticides, home appliances, advertising, decoration, stationery, magneto-optical technology, bioengineering, medicine and sanitation. It is a new type of environmentally friendly packaging material. Do you know the relevant specifications for hollow sheets?
tongsan plastic  hollow corrugated sheet machine
tongsan plastic  hollow corrugated sheet machine
tongsan plastic  hollow corrugated sheet machine
1,PP hollow sheet water absorption rate

Tested according to GB/T 1034-2008. Test temperature (23 ± 2) ° C, time (24 ± 1) h. The sample is selected from the surface without surface treatment (thermal transfer or film coating), the specification is (40 ± 1) mm × (60 ± 1) × original wall thickness of the plate

2, PP hollow sheet tensile strength and elongation at break

Tested according to GB/T 1040-2006. The sample is a type I sample, and the sample is selected from a sheet which has not been surface-treated (thermal transfer or film) and has an original wall thickness, and the stretching speed is (20 ± 2) mm/min.

3,PP hollow sheet bending strength and flexural modulus

Tested according to GB/T 9341-200. The sample is selected from a sheet which has not been surface treated (thermal transfer or film), and the outer surface is the largest fiber deformation surface.

4, PP hollow simply supported beam impact strength

Tested according to GB/T 1043-2008. The sample is a non-notched type I sample, and the sample is selected from a surface that has not been surface-treated (thermal transfer or film) and taken to its original wall thickness to impact the inner surface of the crust.

5, PP hollow sheet Vicat softening point

Tested according to GB/T 1633-2002. The test load is g, and the isothermal heating rate is (50 ± 0.5) ° C / h. The sample was selected from a surface that was not surface treated (thermal transfer or film) to measure the outer surface of the crust.

6, PP hollow sheet Shore hardness

Tested according to GB/T 2411-1980. The sample is selected from the surface without surface treatment (thermal transfer or film coating), and the outer surface of the crust is measured, and the original wall thickness of the plate is taken.